
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

1. Scope

We, Lux Easy Ride, prioritize the protection of your personal data in accordance with applicable data protection regulations. This privacy policy outlines the processing of your personal data when you interact with Lux Easy Ride services, including our websites, online platform, Lux Easy Ride App, or other Lux Easy Ride Services. Please note that Lux Easy Ride Services are not intended for minors.

For information regarding the processing of chauffeur personal data, please refer to the Chauffeur Privacy Policy available in the lux easy ride App.

2. Name and Contact Information of the Controller

The controller for data processing under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is:
Lux Easy Ride tech llc 13745 bayberry street, Victorville Ca- 92392
Further information about Lux Easy Ride can be found in the Legal Notice.

3. Contact Information for the Data Protection Officer

Our data protection officer is:
Mr. Tarvinder Singh Lux Easy Ride tech llc 13745 bayberry street, Victorville Ca- 92392
You can contact our data protection officer confidentially by mail to the above address or via

4. Data Security

Lux Easy Ride employs appropriate technical and organizational security measures to safeguard personal data, ensuring a level of protection commensurate with associated risks. Data transfer between your device and Lux Easy Ride is typically encrypted (TLS encryption), identifiable by the lock symbol in your browser's address bar.

While Lux Easy Ride utilizes transport encryption for emails, for confidential information, we recommend postal mail or fully encrypted email communication (PGP). Please inform us if you prefer encrypted email correspondence.

5. Provision of the Websites

When you visit Lux Easy Ride websites, data is automatically collected for usage analysis. This includes IP address, website visits, browser information, and more. This data is stored in log files and used for technical connections, website analysis, service improvement, and preventing illegal use. Log files are retained based on consent or legal obligations.

The legal basis for website data processing is Art. 6 Paragraph 1 lit. f GDPR (Legitimate Interest). For Lux Easy Ride users or customers, Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR also applies (Contract Performance).

6. Cookies, Pixels, and Similar Technologies

Lux Easy Ride uses cookies, pixels, and similar technologies for various purposes outlined in our Cookie Policy. This includes necessary cookies for service provision and analysis cookies for service improvement. Users can manage cookie preferences through our Consent Management Tool.

You have the option to prevent or delete cookies in your browser settings, although this may affect certain service functionalities.

7. Special Features for Lux Easy Ride Apps

Lux Easy Ride apps facilitate access to our services, with similar data processing to our websites. Additional data may be accessed, such as device information and push notifications (with user consent).

8. Social Media / Social Networks

Lux Easy Ride maintains a presence on social networks. Details regarding data processing on these platforms are provided by the respective social network providers.

9. Data Processing During Registered Use of Lux Easy Ride Services and Booking Rides

When registering or booking rides with Lux Easy Ride, various personal data is processed for service fulfillment and improvement, including personal, contact, contract, and payment data. This data is shared with relevant third parties for service provision.

10. Payment & Fraud Prevention

Payment information is handled securely by certified payment providers. Fraud prevention measures involve transmitting relevant data to external fraud prevention service providers.

11. Communication with Lux Easy Ride

Communication with Lux Easy Ride involves processing provided data for handling inquiries and improving services. External communication services may be used, with appropriate data processing agreements in place.

12. Email Advertising, Newsletter

With consent or legal permission, Lux Easy Ride may send personalized advertising or newsletters to inform customers about offers and services.

13. Involvement of Data Processors by Lux Easy Ride

Third-party involvement in data processing is conducted on behalf of Lux Easy Ride, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations.

14. Rights of Data Subjects

Data subjects have various rights regarding their personal data, including the right to information, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, objection, data portability, and the right to lodge a complaint.

15. Automated Decisions

Automated decisions are made in exceptional cases, with options for data subjects to request explanations or interventions.

16. Data Erasure and Storage Duration

Personal data is erased when no longer needed for processing purposes, subject to legal retention obligations.

17. Amendment or Update of this Privacy Policy

Lux Easy Ride reserves the right to update or amend this privacy policy as necessary, reflecting changes in legislation, jurisdiction, or technical developments.